
March SFS2015-A Report and a Fire Accident

Month: March
Spent: $ 23.92
Earned: $ 13.50
Carried over from February: $ 44.92
Budget March: $ 25.00
To be carried over to April: $ 59.50

Hello dear friends and followers,

an especially warm welcome to all my new followers and thank you for your lovely comments on my Coffee stitch. The fun fact is: I don't drink any coffee, simply don't like the taste, so this piece is a true labour of love! ;-)

As you can see, I am doing quite well with my budget, the only things I have bought this month are an issue of the "Cross Stitch Collection" magazine and some zinc grey fabric for a future project. Both are on their way to Austria by mail, so I can't show you any photos.

I have been a good girl and done some stitching from stash, I finished three Christmas cards. It never is too early for them, right? I did the finishing this morning so that you can have a look at the finished cards rather than at small pieces of fabric.

These were two small kits from Mouseloft and there was so much thread left over that I decided to stitch the owl twice. I had a scrap of exactly the same light blue aida in my stash and also the three card mounts, so it was not only stitching but also finishing from stash. These cards earn me $ 2 each for my budget.

What I also finished this month is a page of my "Coffee Time" piece, but there won't be a photo until my next "Gifted Gorgeousness" report, sorry! I started this page about half finished, so I claim $7.50 for it.

This month I also learned what heat can do to a stitched piece. The owner of my favourite pub bought one of my "Little Sheep Virtue" pillows from me a while ago to display in her pub. She is crazy for sheep. It always sat on a nice and safe place but somehow the lady who does the cleaning must have moved it and put on a lamp. No problem this far, because this lamp is usually not turned on.
But fate was not good to the little sheep and somebody turned on the lamp and the back of the pillow got hotter and hotter.... Fortunately it didn't catch fire, but there was quite some damage done:

Well, what do you think I should do about it? Do you think it makes sense trying to save the stitching on the front and sewing it unto a new pillow? I would be grateful for any ideas, because I am rather unsure at the moment how to tackle this...

I hope you all have a lovely week with lots of stitching time, now that the days are getting longer,


Gifted Gorgeousness March

Hello dear friends and followers,

it's the 15th of the month and so it's time to post my progress on my Gifted Gorgeousness piece. This is the first SAL I have joined and it's all about gifts. So you can work on projects with gifted charts or materials or on projects you will give as gifts.

My project is a quite large Mystic Stitch piece named "Coffee Time" which I promised to stitch as a gift for friends of mine far too long ago. This month I made really good progress and am about to finish page 7 out of 16. Here is how it looks today:

I love the look of the finished section a lot, but sometimes the confetti stitching drives me nearly nuts...  The red thing you can see under the words is the top of the coffee cup, so I seem to be getting there slowly :-)

A wonderful week with lots of stitching time to everyone of you out there!